Mehrangez Abduqodirova, Senior Program Manager
“Being a part of C/D gives me the opportunity to give back to this amazing community that was there for me and my family during difficult and confusing times.”
Mehrangez believes in trying and tenacity. Growing up, she discovered her belief in never giving up through playing and excelling at soccer. After playing for only two months, she went from one of the worst players to one of the best players, ultimately receiving the Coach's Award. Mehrangez has had a similar relationship with math. Growing up, she never understood the subject and struggled with it in school. But once her aunt sat down with her and showed her the proper ways to approach complicated math questions, it was easier for her to solve the problems because now she had a mentor.
Today, Mehrangez’s highest grade in college is an A+ from her pre-calculus class. She is proud of her math achievements in school and in Common Denominator as both a former student and current peer leader. Merhrangez enjoys giving back to her community and spending time helping NYC students discover the joy of math on their own. She believes that as long as students try and refuse to give up, they will reach their goals and Common Denominator will continue to be there for them as trusted mentors.