Common Denominator’s Dream Team
Our dedicated team of program professionals is the driving force behind our organization's continued success. What sets our team apart is not just their unwavering commitment to providing math equity but also their extensive experience in the subject matter, with many having served as educators, teachers, and youth development professionals. As math proficiency rates rapidly decline in NYC public schools, our dream team implements student-centered pedagogy using a proven collaborative learning process within a fun, challenging, and engaging learning environment.
Angela Williams
Executive Director
Mantra: Make it Happen!
“There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.” – Edsger Dijkstra
“There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.” – Edsger Dijkstra
Yordy Rosa
Director of Program Operations
Mantra: Always Smiling!
Diana Yauri
Program Manager
Allison Price
Volunteer Coordinator
Mantra: We’re Counting on YOU!
Miriam Hibbert
Program Manager
Cameryn Fraizer
Program Manager